Originally Posted by issodhos
Originally Posted by Scoutgal
And of course, President Obama wasn't attacked within days of his announcing his candidacy by both his own party rivals and that of the GOP machine-not to mention that "hatred" spewed by the Tea Party... rolleyes
I think you would have a difficult time coming up with equivilent personal attacks on Obama or his family when he announced his candidacy, Scoutgal. As to the Tea parties, they had not yet formed.

Have you read posts at Free Republic or comments by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck? If so, then you would know that the comments are just as hateful or worse. And if you haven't, then you are doing your usual sticking your head-in-the-sand shtick. [Linked Image from rougarants.com] rolleyes

Yours in denial isn't a river in Egypt, Scoutgal ;-)

milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)

Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.