Originally Posted by issodhos
Originally Posted by Scoutgal
Sarah Palin is polarizing-true. But the "hate" that is expressed about her isn't any different than that expressed about President Obama, his wife or daughters.
I do not recall hatred being directed toward Obama's family during the campaign -- or even toward him, for that matter (but that was then, and now is now). And to suggest that Obama has somehow suffered the same degree of hatred as directed at Bush is quite a stretch. Even as much as I was in contempt of Bush, it never raised to hatred for him and his family, and certainly did not include the high-pitched hatred that seems to come so naturally to many members of the modern 'liberal' movement. There is a difference between dislike or even disgust for the actions of a pol, and directing hatred toward him and his family. Some of you seem to be trying to recast the past into nothing more than policy differences. It wasn't. It was hate.
P.s. And by the way, Limbaugh's disgusting comment about Chelsea got him tossed off television and got him taken to the woodshed the next day and following days by his radio audience.:-)

Baloney. The big Italian deli kind. His inexperience was questioned with nasty comments, his faith, his affiliation with Rev. Wright-likewise. His birthplace, his ties, or lack of them to his family in Kenya also. Look to this very board to those who tried to emphasize a non-existent affiliation to Islam by capitalizing President Obama's middle name by posters opposing his candidacy.

And it seems that Rush didn't learn a thing, except that his show was highly watched-meaning good ratings and more money to made from advertisers. Because he's still making the nasty comments about President Obama and other Liberals. Isn't he the one that coined the phrase "Feminazi" to describe Hillary Clinton? And made huge ratings hay slamming President Clinton about Monica Lewinsky?

David Letterman got spanked for his comment about Willow Palin-and rightly so. But comments made about Sarah Palin for things she said weren't any worse than those said about Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Al Gore, or President Bush. Maybe the only person I can think of that had worse comments-and deservedly so-was VP Dick Cheney.

And as I re-read through this thread, Comments about Sarah Palin were not confined to her VP candidacy, but throughout her time in front of the media. So I am using that same gauge for President Obama and others. That is only fair.

milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)

Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.