Originally Posted by Scoutgal
You pick and choose your timelines and my comments so as to not take responsibility for what is truly being said by both sides. You conveniently edit out that which you do not wish to acknowledge. I didn't refer only to FR, and you know it. You confined your timeline to the 2008 election for President Obama, but included up to the present time for Sarah Palin-not kosher or honest to change the rules in the middle of the game. Especially when you are not the originator of the thread. It smacks of a spoiled child that isn't winning and changes the rules to make it more favorable only to him.

Give it up, Scout. Iss wouldn't admit to the stench from his toilet after a week of living on chili.

"The white men were as thick and numerous and aimless as grasshoppers, moving always in a hurry but never seeming to get to whatever place it was they were going to." Dee Brown