"President Onama foolishly thought he could work within the system to bring about true and lasting change to the political process by showing Americans that there was hope for the future, that we could reverse the corruption through sensible and logical planning."

Not sure if that idea holds much water anymore. Maybe the democrats have to get out of the library on Friday nights and get back to the clubs to find their audience. Old wonks and their notions of what works are always showing the democrats to be fools or bookish.

Howard Dean's scream was a jolt that got the Democrats heart pumping. Unfortunately his team couldn't control his campaign environment. We all see how the GOP boys like to get off. What are the Democrats doing to get themselves off? Why show up to their party? I never cared for frat boy parties. Always had an element of rudeness and cruelty.

Yeah, Obama had more sex appeal against McCain. Perhaps that is why McCains' team picked up the beauty pageant contestant/governor of Alaska? It would appear that he's lost some of that ability to get the crowd off. Like he's been hobbled by to much office think. He ought to believe in his abilities more. His stump speeches that were echoing the DCC's party line in this election cycle were void of passion. He needs more Jeff Bebes'; "I work just as hard or harder than anybody on that stage. You know what I do? I connect. I get people off. I look for the guy who isn't getting off, and I make him get off."

The GOP seem to be getting off these days.