Phil--I am sure you need a break. But do come back. Although I especially loved that post you deleted. I was ready for the rumble in the jungle.

And olyve--I do surf. But more like in the greger post (a little bigger) but not like the mountain surfing I posted. That's reserved for an insane few.

And Sandy. You apostatized from the Mormon faith? Wow-that is a revelation. I don't remember you posting that before. I am sure that is a long convoluted tale of woe you suffered by following through with that. But it corresponds with you distaste for authority in general, so it does make absolute sense that you did that.

And speaking of hospitals and doctors, I too was born in the same hospital as was President Obama. Ya'll never knew I too am a Kenyan. Hmm

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.