I would settle for the media actually doing their jobs. I truly wish Americans possessed enough foresight to not be swayed by "talking points" or willing to listen to debate that does not just justify their opinions. However we are human beings so that won't happen so that leaves the media. Time after time I see headlines splashed across a website of words that can only be described as seeded in hate. It isn't just that but there is now a competition on the outrageous. Why? it sells. It's a 24/7 business, and now not only does sex sell but hate sells as well. It would be nice to see our country get back to a more civil tone, but lets be honest about it, it is not going to happen. Not only is there too much $$$ on the line for the politicians to the lobbyist to the high powered corporations, but Americans need to vent their anger somewhere so they take the easiest route and aim the blame at whomever the media decides can sell the most airtime.

I will p.s. this statement by admitting their are journalist that exist who truly want to write objective informative pieces. Sadly their voices are drowned out because they simply cannot produce the revenue for their corporate owners.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I�
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.