This weekend is the annual Brentwood 'Corn Fest' (No! Not the OJ/Maria-Arnold 'Brentwood'

I worked the
Friends of Marsh Creek Watershed information booth. We shared it with the City of Brentwood, giving away chotskies "if" a question on a Wheel-of-Fortune type wheel was answered correctly regarding the watershed. A lady who works for the city was getting all miffed because I was helping the people answer the questions and everyone was walking away with a chotskie.
She would have preferred that I give away a pencil and not helped them.
My relief came at 100pm and I explained to him the deal-io and I mentioned the lady from the city.
He said: She's a city worker - just following orders
Me: It's that whole liberal / conservative thing - can't answer a question right - get a lousy pencil. It's that whole "bootstrap" mentality.
Him: ***Laughing*** No kidding. Next year we'll give-away bootstraps due to the economy.
Me: Here's a pair of bootstraps - now pull yourself up by them and get outta here, already!