Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by Perfect Fit
Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by Perfect Fit
The complaint offered ( regarding my action of choosing to read and comment on the executive summary, first, before reading the entirety, exhaustively ), is so weak that it hardly needs to be addressed.

It's already had more attention than it warranted.

Are you saying that it is acceptable practice to comment on scientific reports based upon a few words that caught your attention?
It could be. You're so imprecise that it's impossible to give any good answer even were your question to be cleaned up...if it were not a loaded one. e.g. in need of cleanup: your use of "acceptable practice". Where? By whom? For what purpose?

Why is it that you are not using my words directly ? No need to paraphrase for me !
...on scientific reports based upon a few words that caught your attention

Those words caught your attention because of your prejudice.
so you claim - again providing nothing to substantiate the claim

I give up!!
Yes, that's a good move. You were up to no good, anyway.

Last edited by Perfect Fit; 07/12/11 11:25 PM.