Too bad, LT, I ain't gonna do your research for you. If you don't follow what your state's PUC is doing, too bad. Examples are to be found in the news almost daily. Look at CA's "Power Board" history of mismanagement of resources.

What the feds are doing is readily available at EPRI and in any of the coal and power industry pubs/sites. Likewise the history of coal MHD and MSR technology. Both have had successful pilot plants run in the Sixties ! The MSR technology has over 20,000 hrs run time.

Every technology I mentioned is extant, scalable and more efficient/cleaner than what we now have. Better its available "short-term" far cheaper and more reliable than the fantasies issuing from the Oval Office or its "Energy Czar".

I got nothing good to say about much of the "green energy industry" except it paid my bills for a while. From personal experience I can attest its a conglomeraton of short-term "subsidy harvesters" owned - at least initially - by profiteers with no connection or interest in the power business. IOW an "industry" created by government fiat for the sole purpose of bilking dependent rate payers.

BTW, if "life-cycle" is your thing, then nuke is the only way to go. Current operating plants use around 10% of the fuel. Improved design and technology makes that other 80+% available while drastically reducing storage issues. >Mech