Scout--my post to numan was entire snark. Sometimes I just can’t help myself. But I will agree with Sandy that telebitchin is mostly filled with garbage and evolves ever lower as time goes by. Sorry to say I missed that trial entirely. LOL Hundreds of murders daily and someone decided to focus on that disturbed woman. Purely for the sake of the children I suppose. It’s all well intended.

I was literally in my own private Idaho when that sordid tale was put to view--in Owyhee county no less! That’s a land of desert and sagebrush and cell phones don’t even work there. And--if you are so inclined--check out the origin of the name Owyhee. It also has something to do with Cook--ing and lost Hawaiians.

I am grateful that we didn’t get out first TV until I was 8 and even then I spent most of my free time at the beach or getting into mischief with my friends. To me TV was mind numbing--except for Bonanza! ROTFMOL That was quality programming.

Now there are 10,487 channels one can numb themselves with. Perhaps that is a good thing--keeps them off the streets and hiking trails and out of my way. I’m on a roll.

Oh---but I gotta go and load Dexter into my DVD. I’m far from perfect.

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.