Even small amounts can kill living tissue as it slowly accumulates over time.
Have you had your house tested for Radon, Joe? I know you don't put a lot of faith in what government has to say but this from the US Environmental Protection Agency Is interesting. Only smoking causes more cases of lung cancer. It's just natural radiation leaking out of the earth, it exists everywhere. It could be boiling up through your floors even as we speak!

All seriousness aside though, "we" are doing something about it. Underfunded scientists and engineers are working on it, just as underfunded scientists and engineers deverloped whale oil lamps and candles of beeswax, just as underfunded scientists and engineers developed the steam engine, the internal combustion engine, the electric motor,
the coal industry, the petroleum industry, the nucular industry, just as we've gotten where we are today we will get where we are going tomorrow. Some felt that men would never fly, some feel that alternative energy sources will never be utilized.

All in good time my friend. It's overpopulation that will probably kill us as a species, not the fuel we feed our fires with.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...