I believe kids age 8 are going on age 18. Language, violence and extremes... no way to stop it...even in your own home.

...and Computers?... Every kid age 8 or maybe even 6, has access to almost anything... Any kid who doesn't know about "incognito" or equivalent, probably doesn't go to a public school.

Sophisticated and ugly, but there... and no way to fix it.

The Sears catalog was the extreme in my day, and nose under the girlie tent at carnivals. Tattered French playing cards and peep tube telescopes.

I believe that unless an eight year old child is super sheltered, he or she knows more about the world than I did at age 18. Am inclined to think that accepting "today" for what it is, without glorifying or demonizing, may be best. Hate the thought of kids having a hidden darkside...

With the right home climate, I believe that dealing with reality... TV... internet... may be better than making believe that it doesn't exist. Open new horizons through interest, and not through denial. My grandkids "know" but are balanced, to know the difference.

my opinion only...

oh yeah... and Yosemite... Was there when the Queen visited back in the early 1980's... Two of her bodyguards were killed in advance of her arrival... drove off the side of a cliff. Yosemite in Winter... back in those days... probably less than two hundred people in the entire park. Totally outrageously beautiful, from any angle.