Originally Posted by rporter314
This is not 1948
as usual you missed the point ... it was not an analogy ... it is a statement that sometime in our past we were faced with what tea people would currently describe as insurmountable financial problems (generational theft)and we overcame them through diligent resolve not through ridiculous rhetoric (shut it down)

If you look at anything in the abstract you can always justify an argument. What I am telling you is that the opportunities that presented themselves to America and her newly renovated business infrastructure are not present in todays environment. Europe doesn't need America's support to rebuild their cities, supply appliances for homes and machine tools for business. America no longer has a GI Bill that allowed a constant influx of highly educated people to enter the workplace and purchase new homes. Today we a disfuntional government that applies laws and regulation without completely thing through the results, or worse we have incomplete laws and regulation that are going to be enforced but haven been finished yet.

The promise that was 1948 is no longer hanging in the air, today al we get is doom and gloom. Our leader is about as charismatic as a mushroom, the opposition leader likes to cry at news conferences, the party in power can't do enough to demotivate the population. From disavowing "American Superiority" to demonizing anybody who disagrees with their policies, Congress can't do enough to give the America people the cold shoulder, unless of course the people in question are in America illegally. Then Americans are accused of being xenophobes and rubes who don't know what is good for themselves.

The truth is the economy sucks and doesn't seem to want to get better. Nothing that has been tried has come close to working and still the Administration insists on creating a class warfare environment, talking about private planes and limozines and the rich not paying their fair share, all the while telling the people who support the illegal invaders that it is the other guys who are their enemies. If Obama can turn this economy around he has my vote, why change what is working. If he can't he doesn't because why vote for what doesn't work? That would be akin to Presidential welfare.

A proud member of the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy, Massachusetts Chapter

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Thomas Jefferson