By Melody Himmel Scalley @ American Thinker 8/15/11's no more "American" symbol of independence, pride and self-reliance than the Over the Road Trucker since the days of the cowboy. Tall, lean, steely-eyed, dominating the helm of a sparkling semi-rig with skill and elan and serving america all while rescuing stranded travelers. (Or at least that's the TV-popular image anyway.) But its been "targeted" by the Obama Administration and/or industry economic forces.
Industry supportive of more restrictive Obama Administration regs does seem odd. At least until you look at
who the supporters are, that is. The ATA (American Trucking Association" is primarly comprised of major freight carriers with vast fleets and hourly drivers. Theirs is an "economy of scale" and "political/union" clout; unions supportive of Democrats, BTW. Their
CEO, Bill Graves is even calling for more regulation !
OTOH, the OOIDA (Owner Operator Independent Drivers ) has a mere "Director of Regulatory Affairs" Joe Rajkovacz. The announced regulatory changes will hit the "Indies" - already hobbled by more pervuasive DOT regs - much harder than the fleets.
Looks like another win/win set up by the Obama Administration to me. It throws a bone to the Teamsters Union, garners some support from big business by squeezing out the small guys, ( and getting in a crotch kick to small business ) while looking good to the watermelons. >Mech