Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by Mechanic
And the Dems haven't ever "squashed the small guy" S.G. ?

Most of past "Dem Darling Regs" imposed by the EPA targeted the "small guy" ! Think small foundries/forges doing "onesie/twosie" runs closed by EPA AQ regs. Small business being hit literally "overnight" with workplace standards so far in excess of accepted practice as to drive them into receivership. Think of how key Democrats "killed" major technology/efficiency improvements in the auto business in favor of supporting their union bases.

Don't think you can make much of a case for your contention, S.C. ! >Mech
Care to give me some documented examples ?
(Where have I heard that before?) coffee


I know that some EPA regs are unfair to the small guy. But it doesn't necessarily follow that the EPA should be dismantled because of that. It is more reasonable that the issues of unfairness be examined and corrected.

Please document the particular issues that you are referring to so that we might discuss them.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller