LT, What you propose needs another thread. The scope and impact of the EPA - national and its state daughters - is so vast and so complex it impacts everyone at every level.

Ponder for a moment on the how EPA gerrymandering of the USCOE water management procedures on the Missouri River is impacting millions today, 8/14/ll.

Look sometime at the impact just EPA automotive emmission regs had upon the economy in the 70's, 80's, 90's and 10's.

Right now the subject at hand is heavy freight haulers and the impact politics is having upon them. In this instance, like others, the EPA is merely a "tool of convenience" being weilded by both large freight companies and some "fellow travelers" in government. Both seem to have covert agendae as well as the obvious.

Me ? I just see another kick at the support structure of american small business. And small business is the largest employer in America. What does that say ? >Mech