Everyone knows if one trucker consumes 30 % more fuel than another, that would not increase his operating costs and so there would be no costs to pass on to customers and, ultimately, consumers.

When those Wal*Marts of the world come around and ask what a trucker is doing to reduce pollution and fuel consumption, they can just take a hike. The Free Market will push them out since hardly anyone will be willing to knuckle under to their ridiculous demands.

And all those companies dumping millions of dollars on new servers and software just because some control freaks are saying they won't do business with them unless they upgrade the speed, reliability and security of their data, the can take a hike as well or expect to have the costs passed on to them.

It all started with mine and railroad safety, moved along to seatbelts and clean water and air . . . It's endless

How eager they are to be slaves - Tiberius Caesar

Coulda tripped out easy, but I've changed my ways - Donovan