Originally Posted by Irked
When those Wal*Marts of the world...(SNIP)

It's probably going to BE the Wal-Marts of the world that start the ball rolling toward higher fuel efficiency in the trucking world. They have the most skin in the game all told.

But that's the way it always works out. It's never been any different in fact.

That's why I don't understand the resistance to change.

If I was resistant to change I'd be out of business.
I can't tell you how many Craigslist ads I run across that have some guy selling off his entire collection of old analog TV gear, and a lot of it might be beautiful stuff too.

They always say something about how everything must go because they're getting out of the business. And a lot of the time the prices are unrealistic, a twelve year old standard definition ENG camcorder with standard def lenses going for almost the price of a brand new HD rig, and if you contact the guy they insist the stuff is state of the art.

No it isn't....it's a BOAT ANCHOR!

They don't listen. And most of em won't part the stuff out either. I'd like to grab that sweet fluid head tripod he has the camera attached to, but he thinks he's gonna sell the whole outfit.

Even the folks who still have a handful of clients asking for delivery in standard definition are shooting and editing in HD and then dubbing it over to standard def now.

It helps a lot and makes the standard def stuff look damn good for what it is.

Sorry but it's no different in any industry Mech, that's the point I am attempting to make here.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD