And the whole point of Melody's article is flat out unrealistic, starting with the idealized image of the "tall lean, steely eyed" rugged individual commanding his shiny steed.
Yeah yeah yeah, there's a few good looking trucker guys out there I'm between the three and four hundred pounders who wolf down the greasy fare found at most truck stops.
And then there's a certain number of these:
I'm not implying that most truckers are ignorant backwater hillbillies but I do see a few of em from time to time in my rearview mirror, climbing up my back.
I can just hear them now, cursing about the "goddurn four wheeler" that done got in their way while they wuz jammin gears.
But it's unrealistic to imagine that all of them are that way just like it's unrealistic to imagine that the horrible President Obama is taking aim at the poor put upon independent truck driver with his socialistic liberal talking points.
Like I said, there is no excuse for us still having a trucking industry that averages around five to seven miles per gallon anymore. At any rate, there's no excuse for us to settle for it if the technology is going to hit the streets soon anyway, and pretty soon it's going to become a foregone conclusion.
The buggy whip went away and so will the old trucks.