Those trucks may be a "romantic antique" to you but I suggest you take a long look at how your "possibles" get to where you're accustomed to finding them.
---No need. I am already keenly aware of this.
That doesn't change the fact that newer technology is emerging.....
The "bottom line" of this thread is - and remains - the impact of OA-proposed "fuel efficiency/air quality regs impact upon our economy. Any increase in the "cost of transportation" has to be passed on to the consumer. For decades our freight system has been predicated upon a "cost/benefit" ratio - with the independent trucker being the "horse" in the team. Recent regs cited pretty well kill all the horses - except for union ones - so consumers haven't any "options" on their essential purchases. >Mech
And the bottom line is, it does not matter if those costs get passed along to the consumer due to improvements in technology or due to wildly fluctuating fuel prices, or due to the march of technology through the marketplace.
Hmmmmmm....turns out it does matter a great deal and here's why:
Those fuel prices don't "fluctuate" so much as they are really just getting higher and higher and higher all the time.
Truckers moving into better technology is a whole lot different than truckers getting soaked for higher fuel prices.
In the former, the cost of the higher priced fuel gets passed on to the consumer, forever!
In the latter, the technology eventually becomes cheaper as it gradually gains traction in the marketplace. It's no different than those five thousand dollar DVD burners which eventually turn into $29.95 DVD burners.....