Four pages of discussion about the plight of the poor trucker, but nary a word about all those folks who used to work on the nation's railroads who now are out of work because the trucking industry destroyed their jobs. Not to mention the diversion of funding from railroad infrastructure to roads, highways, traffic enforcement, etc. If we still had a viable rail system, "independent truckers" would be the guy in the panel truck who hauls stuff from the railway depot to the local warehouse or store and gets to spend evenings and weekends at home with her family instead of out there belching carbon emissions all over the country.
Yup, we are digging arselves into an ever deeper hole over speed and convenience of delivering stuff.
Trains would be nice. Consuming less crap would help (that would mean less work for truckers, oh no!). Doing more for arselves where we live is the bottom line.
My favorite remedy, though, is to throw my hands in the air and git mad at the guvment.