Reminds me of the old joke about the farmer that won a million in the lottery, Greger. When asked what he was going to do now he answered, "Reckon I'll just keep farming till its gone."
It is possible to make a living as an "indie" still. But its getting increasingly harder unless you work certain industries or have a sweetheart contract. Fuel runs around $3.70/gal around here and 12 mpg is good mileage. Add to that insurance, tags, fuel stamps for all the states you run in, tires and maintenance all has to be earned on a 11 hr/day duty cycle.
Which is what led me to post the cite regarding the consequences of the proposed market gerrymandering by the Obama Administration to favor the ATA and the Teamsters at the expense of the indies and the consummers. The history of DOT intervention has always favored companies over independents. >Mech