I am not saying that the current raft of regulations is going to be perfect either. But I am also saying that the answer is to remove the lobby influence from the government regulatory agencies.
As long as we have lobbyists going through a revolving door from lobby office to govt agencies, and back and forth, NO government agency will be able to function properly, no government agency is going to write fair and honest legislation and no government agency is going to do anything but protect the people who are supplying its staffing.
It's real convenient to blame all of this on liberal and on Obama, but Obama and his liberal America haters didn't put the foxes in the henhouses.
You might want to look at the ATA, it's associated lobbies, and Big Oil first, and see if perhaps they might have wielded some undue influence.
It's not JUST the Securities Exchance Commission, it's ALL of the agencies now...regulatory capture is across the board, and it did NOT START WITH OBAMA.