even I do know how canal boats can go "uphill" even as water flows down. But let's hear your engineering precis on how to build "200 mph freight roads", by all means ! Or your political one on how to create freight spurs in urban areas economically !
I think you may have miised the part where I said trucks are perfect for local deliveries.
Yes, all the water in your intergalactic canal system can be pumped up or down as required. I think we all have a handle on that technology. And yes, I've seen barges being pushed up the Missisippi and the thousands of horsepower required to slowly push it up the hill. But as far as trains go we have only to look as far as Europe for the High Speed Rail technology. No, it doesn't stop at every whistle stop anymore than airplanes land in every hick town. But do please write your congressman to see if you can get that barge canal started. Just point to examples of it efficiently used elsewhere in the world.
High Speed rail, unlike your Automated Interstate Barge Canals, are already in the planning stages, this is what the future looks like:
![[Linked Image from crooksandliars.com]](http://crooksandliars.com/files/vfs/2011/02/_45699519_us_high_speed_rail_466map.gif)