What are you going to say next time a non-Republican is in power, and they insist that the oil companies excercise care and due diligence in their drilling operations, Mech?
Or better yet, what are you going to say when the next disaster happens, and it's EVEN WORSE, so bad in fact that it threatens to become a global killer?
How bad do you want that oil?
Bad enough to put off ALL OTHER technological development including the one which is the most feasible, EFFICIENCY?
Are we required to submit to another century of petroleum monopoly in the liquid fuel market? Are we required to submit to liquid fuels as a monopoly?
What happened to the free market, Mech?
What is it, da poor poor put upon petroleum companies can't bear the thought of competition?
Alright, you win...drill baby drill, let's throw it all out.
Everybody gets their own Hummer, no catalytic, no smog controls, put the lead back in the gas and 8 miles per gallon for everyone.
And that f****ing M. King Hubbert, he was just a commie anyway, him and that damn Hubbert Curve.
Everyone knows that Gawd supplied us with abiotic petroleum in unlimited amounts and Obama's just an America hatin Muzzie who wants to make us all socialists anyway.
And while we're at it, let's have another war! Put it on the credit card!
How long do you actually expect that line of baloney to hold up anyway?