By the way, inside that last little bit of sark, look for some figures on domestic oil production. Try going over to The Oil Drum and looking up our real figures.

We're not sitting on that much oil, Mech.

You're being lied to, very seriously.

Archive on Peak Oil

These guys are some of the biggest heavy hitters in the oil business itself. That Sarah Palin bullshit won't fly over there, because these ARE the geologists, the drillers, the rig engineers and the petrochemical engineers in the business, these are the GEEKS of the oil industry.

If you don't have facts, they will eat you and anyone else with an agenda alive. And they have all the real goods on what's what with regard to how much oil we have, how much the Saudis have and how much the Mexicans have, and so on.

Do some homework and get back to me, I've grown tired of hearing the cornucopean whiners who think our problem is just some black muzzie terra-ist who pals around with other terra-ists and we'd all be happy Hummer owners if Amurrika would jes git down and pray and put a Tea Party Prezzy-dint in the White House.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD