So, Checkers, your answer is we needs must "gather in the dark and sign sad songs", eh ?
I would hope the next time there's a blowout ala Moncondo, (if there ever is), the administration would avail itself of all the expertise and resources extant in the industry, not "staff the control efforts into stasis" with droves of "experts" that had zero/zip/zilch experice in the industry in order to appear "in control". Demoncratic paternalism sure blew a fuse on Moncondo. And why hasn't the administration made a "big deal" of its examination of the "failed" BP ?
"Liquid fuel monopoly "? !!! You mean no individual or company can invent or create a cleaner burning more energetic liquid fuel that will work with current technology and sell/license it ? Who'da thunk it ? !!!
BTW the "Oil Drum" is just one of a number of industry sites I look in upon occasionally. IK stand by my assertion the U.S. is awash in energy from just known fields. Lots of exploration left. Be interesting to see a push on "mining" SCM as well. Lots of that along all our coastlines.
I not worried one bit about the "might just happen" (aka the 150% safety scenario), when our economy is in tatters and people are soon going to be making "food/fuel" choices that needn't occurr. Why is it the paternalism of liberatti has, like children and puppies, have to have everything they want "right this second" ? And why does it always seem Joe the Plumber types with sweat or their brows and calluses on their hands have to "pay the piper", not the urbanites and entitlement drones ? >Mech