Originally Posted by Garden Toad
I found out about this place from the Organic Consumers Association newsletter.


It is a buying club and has a free membership offer, but they're very new and not up and running yet.

I wanted to see what all of you thought about it.

I think it sounds like a good idea and in the last 6 months I have met many more people interested in organic and non GMO foods than I had in the last 40 years so maybe it's a good time for something like this to take off.

Who would buy - or eat - "non organic" foods ? Cockroaches ? I'll admit to complete puzzlement over a "distinction" I can't grasp !

All of the basic foods we eat are comprised/created from the same elements, ( i.e. nitrogen, phosphorous, calcium, plus trace elements, etc) . So where does "organic" come in ? Are you/industry suggesting - somehow - there's "alternative elements" not appearing on the periodic table - involved ?

Yeah, before you respond, I know the "stock answer" ! But, as a farm boy and long-term gardener that's fed a family - not to mention a lot of other folk's kids - out of my gardens, I've used passive and active herbicide/insectides as conditions indicate. Knowing a lot of other truck farmers, I've noted all pursue pretty much the same program ! After all theirs is a competitive market and balancing cost/yield/marketability is their forte !

"Organic" often means more field loss and risking spreading infections across whole crops/lands sometimes for several years. It also means lower yields/acre, which means higher harvest costs which translate into higher retail prices. BTW there's a sidebar to this "organic farming" scenario. Lots of local farmers spread chicken manure on fields to improve fertility and add essential trace elements. Many neighbors - buyers of "organic foods" - seem to object to the practice ! >Mech