An FYI for anyone with money in the market.
Ty Durden on the "Tax Billionaires" Proposal

It's not what you may think. He cites the potential for a market crash, as millionaires cash out of income producing stocks with high paper profits, into hard assets, while grabbing on to the still existing 15% capital gains rates.

On a similar and more dire note, the buzz in the comment pages of many financial sites, is a possible rapid and catastrophic drop in the DJ to to as little as $4000... much worse than the original prediction cited in the first post in this thread.

This is scuttlebutt, if course, but be assured that it is not beyond the realm of possibility. Remember that the largest corporations now have about $2 Trillion in cash. Pressure from stockholders could flush these dollars out of company value, into the pockets of these same stockholders... rushing to get in on the 15% tax rate. As company values drop, the concurrent result is a market drop.

As inferred in the article, this could trigger the crash.

These are all "IFFY" scenarios, but for those who are at risk, should be a warning to watch for sudden changes. Instead of the slow decline in previous market adjustments, like the frog in the boiling water, the crash could be that of a lightning bolt.

At this point, it's all just speculation, but a cautionary point that you might want to store in the back of your mind.