Originally Posted by Ardy
...If there are obvious straight forward solutions, it is puzzling that other countries have not discovered and implemented those solutions.
Can we really use 'other countries' efforts as a benchmark to a resolution for anything?

Take medical science for example. Cancer has been around for generations - has there been a successful global resolution to cancer?

HIV? Nope.

...but people not related to medical science did find the break through just this past summer.

My point: We can't look to politicians to solve our global problems - the solutions will most likely come from a whole different set of individuals with a completely different and compelling paradigm to find a resolution to our current crisis - individuals one would never even consider for finding such a solution.

Clearly, Mr. Obama and his Bankster consultants (Geitner, Bernake, et al) haven't done anything good for the United States economy and its people. Yet, Mr. Obama keeps trying variations of his failed policies based on what his Bankster consultants keep advising.

Could big donations by the banking industry for re-election be driving Mr. Obama's decision-making? My guess is that this is probably the case.

Contrarian, extraordinaire