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The Suicide of Liberty

Anyone who has been paying attention knows that the "superpower" is over-extended financially and militarily.... Where is the money going to come from when the country's debt is bursting at the seams, the economy is in decline, and unemployment on the rise?
Washington thinks that the money can simply be printed. However, enough has already been printed that the rest of the world is already suspicious of the dollar and its role as reserve currency.
As John Williams has said, the world could begin dumping dollar assets at any time.
A rapidly spinning top is remarkably stable, but when its angular momentum is almost exhausted, it starts wobbling unpredictably and chaotically.
"Round and round it goes, and where it stops, nobody knows."
However, what we do know for sure is that it will stop !

Unz found that white American gentiles who would be considered Christian are dramatically under-represented in America's elite universities, which provide the elites who dominate government, business, and the professions.
Unz reported that white Americans who comprised 70% of the US population made up only 25% of Harvard's enrollment and that the composition of the student bodies at Yale Princeton Columbia, Berkeley, and Stanford was much the same.
Asians who comprised 3% of the US population comprised one-fifth of Harvard's enrollment, and Jews, who comprised 2.5% of the population comprised between one-fourth and one-third of Harvard's student body.
As Buchanan puts it, the country's native-born majority has relegated its own progeny to the trash bin of history.
"No ruling class has ever been overthrown---They have all committed suicide."
---ahem! modesty forbids! wink

Buchanan doesn't address the question whether the rest of the world will miss white America. Considering the endless wars and astounding hypocrisy and immorality associated with white America since the collapse of the Soviet Union two decades ago, the world is likely to cheer when power slips from the hands of what Leonard Jeffries termed the "ice people," that is, people without souls or feelings for others. Americans are so wrapped up in the myth of their "exceptionalism" that they are oblivious to the world's opinion. American soft power, once a foundation of US influence, has been squandered, another reason the "superpower" status is crumbling.