It is difficult at times to recognize Christians from actors. If you have ever watch the Evangelicals on the television with their clown like clothes and hair cuts and their tears and cries to Jesus to save them. I wonder from what? Bad haircuts? Cheap clothes? Emotions out of control? When these same Christians spout their stuff online it verges on a comedy routine.

I'm told they are harmless! If one is a Christian, they are harmless but step out as an Atheist and add a dash of pro-choice and the stomach has to be firm so as not to vomit with the hysteria.

I read how loving and forgiving Christians claim to be but most of us know that there is a level of destructive hatred very close to the top of the milk that soon sours the messages when those messages get dirty. I would say many Christians carry a wallet full of vindictiveness ready to ooze out when found on these forums. But there are levels of truth and decency in all of us and I am always at the ready when found in the arena with these folks. I let down my guard here last year and you know what happened.