This is so funny this morning in the opening comments. I was playing in Reader Rant years ago after I moved to Arizona and got lost in the fact that we do not change our clocks at any time. Knowing that CHB used eastern time I asked a question "What time is it?" Dr. Doom answered with "It's Howdy Doody time" and I had no idea what he was talking about. I never had a television until 1982 and missed out on 50 years of American culture. I woke up at the Round Table and it was like living in a new life.

I will give you a clue to how Cher kept that costume on. Anyone who has worn eyelashes knows about the adhesive used. Poor Cher had many glue points to keep that outfit from slipping as it weighed a ton. Her fitters had many tubes when they followed her around to keep her covered.