Another Howdy Doody coincidence: This past weekend my ex-husband mentioned they have a customer named Clarabelle at work. Remembering the clown, I reacted with a bwaahaha. But when I thought about it, I realized Clarabelle is a very pretty name. My XH agreed and also wondered why a woman's name was given to what seemed to be a male clown. confused

We hoped future generations, not having the Howdy Doody association, might bring that pretty name back to life. did they come up with the name, Howdy Doody?? eek

(We didn't have a TV either, Sandy, but my sisters and I were allowed to watch HD at my grandparents' house occasionally. wink )

Oh...and Bob Keeshan's grandson is one of our med students at UVM.

Last edited by Almost Naomi; 06/27/07 01:06 PM.

"Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace." ...Albert Schweitzer