Originally Posted by Sandy Price
It is always hard to see where there are any actions from these people who proclaim to be the only ones who know the truth. Many seem to wait for a chance to strike even other Christians when it seems appropriate. There are so many interpretations of the bible and none of them seem focused on actions except to declare wars against other cults, sects and nations.

2wins, I seriously doubt that any authentic Christians are even trying to speak the words of Jesus on the internet. They seem to think insults and slander is necessary and I believe it is done to show others not even in the argument that they are superior and will always have the last word.

To speak for Jesus should not need actions of destruction. Something very ugly has taken American Christians to a new level of anger and insults. I have blamed this on early training as children to divide up their friends and sadly even their teachers. Discrimination is taught from very early years and it speaks of color, race and God. This has oozed into our elections and I have no idea how to understand why.

Americans are so involved in television that even our ministers have to look like heroes who can win any physical battle for God.

The people that are described above as "Authentic Christians" are nothing of the sort. They nothing but users of a faith to control others and force them to their own will.

there are several, if not thousands who try to follow the peaceful words of Christ and truly resent the way that certain people have hijacked Christianity to push their hateful agenda. Unfortunately, not enough of us speak out against it, and those of us who do are still consistently lumped in with these others, no matter our opposite views and actions. frown

milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)

Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.