1914 - World War I began. Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated while at (what is now known as) Sarajevo, Bosnia.
1979 - Billie Jean King defeated Linda Siegel with a first at the 102-year-old Wimbledon tennis championships. Not only did King defeat Siegel, but in an embarrassing moment, Siegel, wearing a plunging neckline tennis top became partly naked when the neckline plunged too far.
“Whoever dares to say: 'Outside the Church is no salvation,' ought to be driven from the State.
But I am mistaken in speaking of a Christian republic; the terms are mutually exclusive. Christianity preaches only servitude and dependence. Its spirit is so favorable to tyranny that it always profits by such a regime. True Christians are made to be slaves, and they know it and do not much mind: this short life counts for too little in their eyes.”
-- Jean Jacques Rousseau
a) IraqNam
Tis strange politics indeed when the GOP leaders in the Senater are firmer and more rational than the majority leadership.
Sen. Lugar (ind-R) may be trying to preserve his seat, but unlike Reid and many others, he is also trying to preserve the troops' lives.
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b) IranGate (the future)
Guess one of the reasons that Haliburton is moving to an offshore headquarters:
i. So it can contract directly with Iran to increase its refining capacity
ii. So it can rebuild some sagging oil production sectors in Iran
iii. So it can take advantage of Cheney's hardline approaches, forcing Iran to do business with it.
iv. Because they don't have shredders big enough in the USA
v. because they see the writing on the wall and would hate to be in the US once the Senate starts sniffing around its yrs of fraud and theft in Iraq
vi. Because they follow Cheney's example and are telling the US citizens to go **** themselves.
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c) From the who wudda thunk it department:
John Ashcroft fought hard to PROTECT CIVIL RIGHTS?
Chrissie Todd Whitman fought hard to PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT?
Colin Powell fought hard to KEEP US OUT OF IRAQ?
damn, Pastor Agnostic's conventional wisdom has just followed the Enterprise and gone where no man has gone before.
At least they faced one common enemy, One Darth Cheney:
One Darth to rule them all,
One Darth to find them,
One Darth to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
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