Originally Posted by Mellowicious
Originally Posted by Scoutgal
2wins~ Neither of whom want to allow others to think for themselves.

Scout: I think you just hit my first thought, when I saw this thread.

All: Why is it anyone's business what this woman believes, unless it affects her ability to serve as a priest (in which case, I think, it would only affect members of her own denomination and mosque, and probably not even all of them.)

Let her be. Her beliefs are not hurting anyone, are they?
I don't disagree with you at all. However, times being what they are she also represents something different that flies in the face of popular religious culture. And that, in and of itself, is worthy of discussion and debate. In essence, she is holding herself up as a countercultural figure amidst a culture of intolerance. She is, by her own actions, speaking of a more tolerant world. And I salute her for that. Ala, God ... Same Same. The question of Jesus, however, brings in a whole other debate where the two doctrines, Christianity and Islam, are concerned.

sure, you can talk to god, but if you don't listen then what's the use? so, onward through the fog!