Personally, I think like a scientist. As if you couldn’t tell by my pro nuclear energy posts. To me, science is mute on the subject of the existence of God. There is no way to prove or disprove either. To mention nothing about what is the definition of God? The irony I find in non believers of the theory of evolution is that it does nothing to prove or disprove Gods existence. All it does is disprove the literal interpretation of Genesis and some other biblical scripture. But if the literal interpretation is required by some to believe in the other then indeed problems develop.

My take on the existence of God is doubtful. I see no evidence of such. Does that mean God doesn’t exist? Who knows---but I see slim chances of it—(2.35784% to be exact). Both extreme sides annoy me because both the fundys and many atheists can take on an extreme religious zeal of their own in their desire to either convince one of the existence of, or the non existence of, God. I say just chill guys, or gals—there is no way to prove either! I have an aunt in Arkansas who is just a sweetheart. The kindest, nicest, sweetest most generous person you can imagine. She is totally sold on accepting Jesus Christ as her savior. Do I argue with her and tell her she is a fool for such a belief? Of course not, what purpose would that serve? All it would do would be to upset both sides and change no ones mind. She is secure in her belief, it provides her with comfort and peace, so I say fine. Sometimes I wish I could just surrender like that and buy into the system but my mind will not allow it. It just doesn’t pass the gut check, to say nothing of the evidence. Must be the devil sitting on my left shoulder!

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.