Jesus Christ on a Bike Sandy, you've actually managed to insult the intelligence of nearly every person in this forum.

That's perfectly okay, except that you in point of fact do NOT know anything about most of us, particularly with respect to our education, our cultural background or our level of involvement in the world of film appreciation.

The reason I say that is because lately you've consistently managed to not only IGNORE people when they tell you what they're made of, their qualifications, or when they state their views on an issue, you also have managed to make things up on the spot as well.

Is there a reason for this? Insults fly in forums, it's understood, but it's that old thing about opinions Sandy.

Informed opinion is one thing, spewing outright absurdity and falsehoods is another. Exactly what DO you know about Ranters and their level of film appreciation?

Exactly zip, zero, nada, that's what.

Numan used to be the one that could be counted on to blindly dish out hatred and hostility at anyone who happened to be walking by.

Now it's you, very sad.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD