You poor kids never were exposed to the great classical books that stimulated your imagination to the point where you need a new word like steampunk to express it.
Yes, Sandy, those classics are still around and we've all read them. get off your stupid high horse and stop pretending to be smarter than everyone else when you have never read an novel either in the steampunk or the cyberpunk genres.
Do you think that imagination stopped with your generation? That they stopped handing out brains the year you were born?
Try to use yours a little bit more it seems to be full of cobwebs.
Over the past two weeks I've read an 1100 page novel by George R.R. Martin. I doubt if you've heard of the series but you may have watched some of it on television. The program "A Game of Thrones" is based on it and the other 4 books in that series. When I finished that I read a lovely little vampyre novel written for young readers. I just started reading a book on Paganism because a young friend of mine is interested in it. Like yourself, she is fed up with what passes for religion these days. I serve as her mentor and need to be knowlegeable about what she is interested in.
Don't get to feeling all high and mighty ma'am, I know a lot of young folks and they are extremely bright, curious, and well read.
Slapping others down has been learned from television
And slapping down others is what you seem best at. Turn off the teevee and look out the window. There's a world out there. A world of smart, and thinking, and caring people.
Yeah, there's some creeps too, and some jerks and some morons and some whiners. But they are in the minority