Evidently, we to go to the movies for very different reasons. Don't listen to me, I prefer Grand Opera....
Maybe I am being a little unkind, but maybe you could just back off from spraying hostility and insults all over me and several others, just because we don't agree on things.
Calling us all the equivalent of dullards and ignoramuses when you don't actually know what tastes we have is also a little unkind, maybe more than a little.
We all have bad days and I am also guilty of occasionally taking it out on others.
Could you maybe just consider that maybe we are indeed human beings deserving of the benefit of the doubt once in a while?
Maybe some of us are every bit the art connoisseur that you are, or at least somewhere in the same league, maybe some of us are also well read and well educated.
Being well educated, well read and a connoisseur of the arts does not automatically mean we're going to agree on anything, it just means we've been exposed to a broad variety of elements that make up the catalogue, that flesh out the color palette.
Gauguin and Van Gogh might have had epic arguments but I wonder if Gauguin routinely called Van Gogh a moron who has never seen a bit of fine art in all his miserable life.