I am almost done with my Christmas/Chanukkah shopping. Decorating is all done, and the cookie baking has commenced. Just have pin down the final details for the Christmas Day dinner and all will be done! I hope that all of your holiday preparations are moving along nicely.

Some decorations~
[Linked Image from freechristmaswallpapers.net]

A Christmas feast~
[Linked Image from peppersmrkt.com]

Time to light the Menorah~
[Linked Image from org.spectorsinchicago.com]

Some Chanukkah treats~
[Linked Image from fabandfru.com]

And don't forget some Christmas cheer~
[Linked Image from food.sndimg.com]

Have a great week, Ranters! cool

milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)

Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.