"I know a lady who fees nothing but raw chicken necks and wings."

Darn. Last time I was in the store looking raw wings were the most expensive chicken part. I assumed because buffalo wings are such a fad these days.

And SG is correct, he's a good-looking dog. But you can just about hear the BB brain rolling around in the tuna-can cranium when you're near one. Petey, who is probably half boxer and half lab (we judge that because he has a docked tail) is also a handsome dog, but when the whelpmaster was handing out brains he thought they said drains and decided to forgo the opportunity. But a wonderfully happy dog, just as you would expect for a boxer-lab cross.

Reminds me of the story of the guy whose boxer got hit by a car. He took the animal to the emergency vet office and was told that the dog was dead. Distraught, he asked for a second opinion.

In came a chocolate labrador, who took one sniff, howled, and backed out the room.

The owner said, "Are you both sure?"

So the vet brought in a cat, who sniffed the carcase and began making burying motions. At last convinced, the guy said, "OK, I'll take him home and bury him. How much do I owe you?"

The vet said, "That'll be $1,250."

"What? $1,250?"

"Yes," responded the vet, "my fee is only $75, but the lab fees and the cat scan really are expensive."

Take the nacilbupeR pledge: I solemnly swear that I will help back out all Republicans at the next election.