How much of a ---- is Rudy Giuliani? So much that he basically got fired from the Iraq Study Group by James Baker because he never went to any of the meetings.
And where was he instead? Cashing in on his 9/11 celebrity, giving motivational speeches for an organization called Life Win, Inc., which puts on "Get Motivated" (!) seminars all over the country.
You know the drill. Big stage show. Big music. Big lights. Big name celeb tells you to reach for your dreams. Big charge on your credit card.
How big? Big enough to pay Rudy a hundred grand per appearance (he did two while he was supposed to be at ISG meetings).
You know, for a war we got into (and an occupation we continue -- maybe for 50 years) because people like Giuliani told America Iraq was connected to the World Trade Center attack, you'd think the decent thing for Giuliani to do would be to drop his 9/11 grave robbing for a while and see what he could contribute to getting us the hell out of this mess. But then, Giuliani probably knew it was a lie right from the beginning, just like the rest of us.
Either way, I guess we have our answer as to what he can contribute: nothing. So that's what he did.
Keep that in mind, Republican America, next time Giuliani tells some swooning crowd how he felt the 9/11 attacks so much more deeply than the rest of us because he was mayor of the town that blew up because George Bush didn't read his PDBs. Rudy Giuliani has made his millions picking the pockets of the 9/11 dead.
And you just know this guy has the balls to tell crowds that he "felt a calling" to run for president, too. That wasn't God calling, Rudy. That was Baker, asking why your deadbeat ass wasn't showing up for work.
Guess that settles the "Who truly wears the mantle of George W. Bush" question, though, doesn't it?