Originally Posted by Scoutgal
A friend of mine sent me a fruit cake, and it arrived today. I opened the box, and the cake smells of good quality bourbon. I am going to have some tonight for dessert, with a nice hot cup of coffee.
TV, movie, comedy etc. give fruit cake a bad rap. If they've ever had a good fruit cake they'd change their opinion. I'm a big fruit cake fan from way back. I was young we'd make them and age them for Christmas by wrapping them in cheese cloth and soaking them in rum, although bourbon's fine, too. However, you'll have to lay out a few bucks to either make the fruit cake or to buy one. That's the stickler. I suspect that most of these critics have had the low cost discount variety inflicted upon them. Good fruit cake is right up their with good cheese cake or any baked good for that matter. Quality ingredients (and a dollop of whipped cream on it doesn't hurt either).

P.S. You've got a good friend. Even a small good quality tin round costs around $35 (and it's worth it!). If you can have it, try the whipped cream topping.

Last edited by Joe Keegan; 12/22/11 06:19 PM.