Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
Here in my neighborhood there has been a several day outbreak of arsonist fire, 55 as of this morning, most involving a car set on fire in a carport under an apartment building. It has been rather scary to hear helicopters and sirens all night long.

a "person of interest" has been detained and i sure hope he is the idiot. If so, he puts a new twist on "illegal immigrants".
Ironically, in two "sanctuary" cities (WeHo, El Lay) where illegal immigrants get a free pass daily - the perp's mother didn't and was deported. Wonder why? Was the lady too white, or did not speak enough Spanish to qualify for "sanctuary" status? Isn't an illegal, an illegal?

Injustice. No wonder the perp is angry, lashing-out, and "hates America." coffee

Contrarian, extraordinaire