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Works fer me. Did you sneeze and hit the wrong button?
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
Thank you, Scoutgal, for that image of Canada. It is exactly what we want Americans to think Canada is like, so that they do not come up here and ruin paradise. However, it is not quite enough for total security. Some foolish Americans might think Canada is endurable in summer time. We need a supplementary picture of Canada during the summer -- a land of bogs sweltering in ghastly, humid heat, the air filled with clouds of mosquitos and biting black flies!
I will point out to the wise that the USA should follow Canada's sensible foreign policy. There are many Americans who exercise their native hysteria by becoming frantic about illegal immigrants. Silly people! All they need to do is to paint a picture of America as bleak and true to life as I, for example, portray it, and then blanket the world with this image. Immigration will drop to practically zero! One more example of what a benefactor I am to my native country! Sadly, most Americans are too dim and vain to be able to realize it. Here is an example of what I mean. If, in some rare moment of mental aberration I become nostalgic for my country Homeland, I merely need to look at the next picture to remember what America is really like!
It is exactly what we want Americans to think Canada is like, so that they do not come up here and ruin paradise.
Same with us NorCal'ers. We want everyone to think that NorCal is cold and foggy eachandeveryday.
Like we'd throw a parade and show how beautiful the weather is...
Hello! How many Nebraskans or Kansans do you want moving to you?
Lots of meteorological stereotyping going on! So many people think Buffalo, NY, is buried in snowdrifts for most--if not all--of the year. Right now there is no snow on the ground here in Amherst (a northern suburb of Buffalo) or in Buffalo itself. Nobody mentions that on the Weather Channel or the Evening News or the latenight talk shows. Last week, when our "ski country" (a good 40-50 miles south of Buffalo) got a lot of very welcome snow, the national TV reports said "Buffalo is getting hit again!" No place is a wonderful, weatherwise, as its positive PR, and no place is as terrible as some people like to think--not even Canada, NorCal, SoCal, or Nebraska. Well, maybe Nebraska.
"When all think as one, only one is thinking." --"Big Jim" Byrne