This week I accepted a new position at another school district. (It's easier to find a job, when you have a job).

Last night I had dinner with my friend Pork Chop and he told me in no uncertain terms that he's been pissed-off at my "personality change" in the past six months.

I totally attribute that to working 10 hrs days, some times, six days a week, and being the prime and only managment-level person in my department. It was just too much and it can't be done by one person.

I asked the district for a part-time assistant and they said there was no money. Of course there was no money because they were paying the damn Superintendent $180,000 for a mere 2,000 student district. That's well over $60 to $70,000 more than need be.

I've been looking for a new job since November 2011 and was offered a new job this week.

Same pay, less work, less stress, and closer to home - and hopefully, no more bad dreams about work. I had sixteen bad dreams about work over the Christmas holidays from the time school let out until New Year's day.

I start my new job on the 18th of January.

...and we wonder why schools have no money - it's because of the effing Administrators taking the money for themselves.

Contrarian, extraordinaire