I received an email yesterday containing the following photos which I'd like to share. I think they're just awesome:

Thor's Well a/k/a "the gates of the dungeon" on Cape Perpetua, Oregon. At moderate tide and strong surf, flowing water creates a fantastic landscape

[Linked Image from i48.photobucket.com]

Banpo Bridge - Seoul, South Korea
[Linked Image from i48.photobucket.com]

Forest near Gryfino, Poland
[Linked Image from i48.photobucket.com]

The border between Belgium and the Netherlands in a cafe
[Linked Image from i48.photobucket.com]

Twice a year in the Gulf of Mexico rays migrate. About 10 thousand stingrays swim from the Yucatan Peninsula to Florida in the spring and back in the fall.
[Linked Image from i48.photobucket.com]

This is a unique geological phenomenon known as Danxia landform. These phenomena can be observed in several places in China. This example is located in Zhangye, Province of Gansu. The color is the result of an accumulation for millions of years of red sandstone and other rocks.
[Linked Image from i48.photobucket.com]

The river above the river: Magdeburg Water Bridge, Germany.
[Linked Image from i48.photobucket.com]

Lost paradise in the Indian Ocean. Isle of Lamu
[Linked Image from i48.photobucket.com]

In the resort town of Skagen you can watch an amazing natural phenomenon. This city is the northernmost point of Denmark, where the Baltic and North Seas meet. The two opposing tides in this place can not merge because they have different densities.
[Linked Image from i48.photobucket.com]

Marcus Levine - slaughtering an artist in the literal sense. He creates his paintings by nailing a white wooden panel. At his latest series of paintings exhibited in a gallery in London, Marcus has pounded over 50,000 nails for this art piece.
[Linked Image from i48.photobucket.com]

Contrarian, extraordinaire