Originally Posted by Ozymanithrax
This incredible video shows a crow sledding down a roof, for fun. It shows tool use and real inteligence. All that from a bird brain.
The intellectual prowess of grey parrots convinces me that, gram for gram, bird brains are more efficient and better organized than mammalian brains.

It makes sense. The birds are the descendants of the dinosaurs, who had 160 million years as the dominant land animal of the Mesozoic Era -- and no doubt would still be ruling the Earth, if it had not been for one very bad day dealing with an asteroid. They had plenty of time to develop the efficiency of their brains. Our ancestors, by contrast, were minimally endowed, pea-brained proto-mammals scurrying around under the feet of the dinosaurs, or skulking about at night. They have had only the past 65 million years to expand their mental capacity.